
Agile Scrum Process Model


Agile Scrum Process Model

What is the Scrum Process Flow?

Scrum is an Agile Process for running Software Development Projects. It is an iterative and incremental framework for project management mainly deployed in agile software development environments. This article focuses on Scrum Process and Benefits of using agile. 

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    Scrum Framework

    The scrum framework contains the following processes. 
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    Agile Scrum Process Flow
    Note: The product owner creates and maintains a Product Backlog, which is a collection of user stories captured within a scrum product. The Sprint Backlog is a list of stories the sprint team members have agreed to complete for a sprint.

    Scrum Process Meetings/Ceremonies

    The following are typical activities of the scrum process :-
    • Daily Scrum
    The Development Team uses the Daily Scrum meeting to ensure that they are on track for attaining the Sprint Goal. The meeting takes place at the same time and place every day.
    • Sprint Planning Meeting  
    During the Sprint planning meeting scrum team review all stories that are ready to be worked on and assign them to Sprints per their priority level.  This process is repeated until there is 2 weeks’ worth of work effort or outcomes inside the Sprint.
    • Sprint Retrospective
    A Sprint Retrospective is used to review what went well in the Sprint and what could be improved. The Retrospective also allows the development team to make adjustments for the upcoming Sprint in order to make it more efficient and productive.
    • Sprint Review  
    Once a Sprint is complete the development team should provide the Client with a demonstration of the completed functionality to verify that it is working as expected. This will help to manage the project better and avoid having unforeseen issues arise at the end of the project.

    Scrum Framework Roles

    • Product Owner
    • Scrum Master 
    • Development Team
    framework scrum scrum development framework the scrum framework agile framework scrum scrum agile framework agile scrum framework
    Scrum Development Roles

    Agile Metrics Being Tracked

    Burn Down Chart: A chart generated during a sprint that provides at-a-glance reporting of ideal sprint progress against actual sprint progress over time.

    Velocity Chart: A chart displaying the historical performance of a team, used to better estimated the amount of work the team can deliver in a future sprint.
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    Velocity and Burndown Chart Example
    Scrum Impediments List
    • Blockers (for a user story)
    • People issues
    • Technical issues
    • Lack of knowledge
    • Operational issues
    • Managerial Issues
    • Organizational issues
    • Process issues
    • Outside disruptions (outside means from outside the Team)
    • External things (weather, riots, war, etc)
    • Problems that the Pigs have at home (eg, lack of babysitter)
    • Lack of positive things (eg, the Team needs its own Coke machine)
    • Business or customer issues
    • Culture and waterfall attitudes
    • Impediments to faster Scrum/Agile adoption etc.
    To track status of the impediments we create and maintain below spread sheet :- 
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    What are impediments?

    I hope you will enjoy the agile scrum process tutorial while learning about the agile methodologies, scrum process flow diagram and scrum activities. I would like to have feedback from my blog readers. Your valuable feedback, question, or comments about this article are always welcome. 

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    Agile Scrum Process Model Reviewed by Ravi Kumar on 6:40 PM Rating: 5

    1 comment:

    1. Thank you to whomever created the "Agile Scrum Process Flow" graphic. I've been using that graphic for a while now to teach people about the process. Cheers.


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