
Google Fusion Table API - An Introduction


Google Fusion Table API - An Introduction

Fusion Table - Google Docs

Google Fusion Tables is an experimental application that lets you store, share, query, and visualize data tables. It offers a REST API to manage tables, info window templates, and styles. 

The query endpoint allows you to manage data rows (insert/update/delete), and query the table for all rows that match spatial or data conditions. The results of queries can be CSV or JSON, or used in the Google Maps API or Google Chart Tools. 

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About Google fusion Table
For example you can easily upload data sets from .CSV file, .KML file and spreadsheets, and visualize the data using a variety of tools. Users can merge data from multiple tables and conduct detailed discussions about the data (on rows, columns and even cells). 

You can easily visualize large data sets on Google Maps and embed visualizations on other web pages.

Google Fusion Tables (or just Fusion Tables) is a Web service provided by Google for data management. Data is stored in multiple tables that Internet users can view and download. 

The Web service provides means for visualizing data with pie charts, bar charts, line-plots, scatter-plots, timelines as well as geographical maps. Data is exported in a comma-separated values file format.

Note: The size of uploaded data sets is currently limited to 250 MB for each user.

File types and size limits

You can import a file of up to 100 MB of these file types:
  • Comma-separated text (.csv)
  • Other text-delimited files (.tsv, etc)
  • KML (.kml)
  • Spreadsheets (.xls, .xslx, .ods and Google Spreadsheets)

Conclusion : It was fun in learning and writing an article on Google Fusion Table API. I hope this article will be helpful for enthusiastic peoples who are eager to learn and implement some interesting stuffs in new technology.
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Google Fusion Table API - An Introduction Reviewed by Ravi Kumar on 3:41 PM Rating: 5

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