
MapXtreme ASP.Net


MapXtreme ASP.Net

MapXtreme allows developers to create custom mapping applications that require both high-quality digital maps, and controls and instructions to manipulate those maps. It enables developers to incorporate and display many types of data onto maps, and to easily add a variety of controls, themes, graphs and other features that enable users to more effectively analyze location-based information. 

MapXtreme’s powerful spatial capabilities are geared toward solving real business problems, with a powerful, user-friendly feature set. Flexible deployment options of this location intelligence developer tool include both desktop and web from a single SDK.

  • MapXtreme 2008 is a desktop application development tool kit (SDK) which enables you to build Desktop and Web applications using Visual Studio.Net
  • The business logic you create can be in any supported .Net language (i.e. C#, VB, Cobol, etc.)
  • Core MapXtreme business logic is independent of the presentation layer (i.e. Desktop or Web); the same code can be used to present the results in either a Desktop or Web application.
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mapxtreme .net sdk
Strong Microsoft .Net alignment

  • 100% .Net Object Model
  • Support for WinForms and WPF integration
  • Support for spatial data access in familiar ADO.Net

Online Developer Resources :

I hope this article will help you to get an overview of MapXtreme architecture for Desktop Application and Web Application. I would like to have feedback from my blog readers. Your valuable feedback, question, or comments about this article are always welcome.
    MapXtreme ASP.Net Reviewed by Ravi Kumar on 2:24 PM Rating: 5

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